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In CI3750 class, we watched Sir Ken Robinson's TED Talk: Do Schools Kill Creativity? During his speech, Sir Robinson spent a great deal amount of time explaining how schools, and society, focus on the heights of few disciplines. Classes, such as the fine arts, are often left out of the discussion of importance. Here is where Robinson gives the example of Gillian Lynne, Associate Director and Choreographer to Cats(the musical), and how she was almost labeled with ADHD. He professed how her need to always move to music was an intelligence almost medicated away. We need to reconstruct the way we teach and learn, because society is always evolving and changing itself. We as educators are preparing students as citizens to a world we do not yet understand. Afterwards, I wrote a reflection in the form of a 4-2-2. You can see my relfection below.

Best Practices in Teaching

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